The New World Order
This political play, about what the United States has in store for the rest of the world, was written a few years after the original Gulf War in 1991. The chief characters in the play are Lieutenant John McRae (“In Flanders Fields”), Salvador Allende (president of Chile in the early 1970s, shot and killed in a military coup), Jan Masaryk (Czech foreign minister assassinated by communist agents in 1948), Mohammad Mossadegh (Iranian prime minister, overthrown by a CIA-engineered coup in 1953), and Jacobo Arbenz (president of Guatemala, also overthrown by CIA machinations, in 1954).
New World Order was produced in Vancouver in the spring of 1999 by Theatre-in-the-Raw and captivated audiences.
To go directly to the manuscript of the play, together with character descriptions, production notes and details of the original cast, please
click here.
To read a synopsis of the play and check out the response to the Vancouver production first, please go to
The New World Order main page. The synopsis is also available in French, Spanish, Italian and Czech.